Gentil Cine

White Roses Fall / Albertina Carri


Violeta, is a young film director who once made, together with a group of friends, an amateur lesbian porn film. Due to its big success, she is now hired to make a mainstream porn film. Her ideas about gender systems -cinematographic and sexual- do not allow her to carry out the shooting and she escapes from the set. From southern Buenos Aires she leaves with her actress friends for the warm Sao Paulo, finding new forms of storytelling along the way. The group of women travellers mutates according to the geography and their emotions, until the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by jungle, prevails over all worldly extravagance. An unknown territory welcomes them voluptuously. Cinema becomes an intention of another time and life the only discovery.

Technical specifications

Runtime: 120 minutos
Direction: Albertina Carri
Executive production: Eugenia Campos Guevara
Edition: Lautaro Colace
Sound: Mercedes Gaviria Jaramillo
Director of photography: Sol Lopatín, Inés Duacastella y Wilssa Esser
Sound direction: Marina Raggio y Diogo Hayashi
Production companies:Gentil cine (Argentina), El borde (Argentina) Punta Colorada (Brazil) y Doxa Producciones (España)