Gentil Cine

Corazón bajo tierra / Maximiliano Schonfeld – EN

Heart deep down / Maximiliano Schonfeld


Mélodi returns to her province with the assignment of writing her second book. The first one, about unsolved homicides in the area, was a bestseller and she is still looking for a reassembly after so much exposure. But with a little problem after that experience, her interest in murder cases ceased to make sense for her and since then, she has only been able to write a few poems, something that, as we all know, has no commercial value. But a case awakens her interest: two young men who disappeared some time ago without a trace in the zone of the Paraná islands. The boat they used to carry tourists was found sailing alone downriver with all their belongings intact and with no signs that anyone else had boarded the boat. The clues are erratic but different versions of the myth persist among the inhabitants of the coast. Some speak of a secret love story, and songs have even been composed about it. Others mention a legend that would explain, at least symbolically, the disappearance of chamamé singers that every now and then the river takes to the depths. There are also versions that link it to extraterrestrial abductions, due to the great influence that this type of phenomena has in the area. Others say that they are alive in the woods, although they do not explain why. Mélodi is intuitively guided throughout her investigation by signs, especially musical ones, together with Joaquín, a young taxi driver with a passion for cars and speed.

Technical specifications

Runtime: 110 minutos
Direction: Maximiliano Schonfeld

Script: Maximiliano Schonfeld & Daiana Henderson

Executive Production: Eugenia Campos Guevara

Production companies from Argentina: GENTIL CINE SRL & INTEMPERIE CINE


Corazón bajo tierra / Maximiliano Schonfeld – EN Read More »

Partes del todo – EN

Partes del todo / Juan Renau


Juan es camarógrafo y registra obsesivamente todo aquello que compone sus días, utilizando la cámara como una herramienta para construir vínculos, pero también para escapar de ellos. Viajes, amores, paisajes, entrevistas, marchas, objetos y animales componen una serie de imágenes aleatorias, íntimas y errantes.

Ficha Téncnica

Año: 2024
Dirección y fotografía: Juan Renau Con Camila Fabbri, Maximo Ciambella & Florentina Messina
Guion: Agustin Godoy
Montaje: Eugenia Campos Guevara
Dirección de sonido: Lucas Larriera & Sofia Straface
Producción ejecutiva: Agustín Gagliardi & Eugenia Campos Guevara
Mezcla 5.1: Marcos Canosa
Color y post de imagen:Inés Duacastella
Color: Inés Duacastella
Diseño gráfico: Leandro Ibarra

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El príncipe de Nanawa – EN

The prince of Nanawa / Clarisa Navas


A footbridge divides Argentina and Paraguay. Guarani and Spanish float in the air. People run around trafficking all things imaginable. I met Ángel (9) in the midst of this dizzying pace and when I heard him speak, I was so moved that I promised to visit him again. A year later, I came back and we started making a film together. After ten years, the passage from childhood to adolescence unfolds in these images surrounded by a unique strength to live and to resist against everything.

Technical Details

Duration: 210 min.
Year: 2025
Cast: Ángel Omar Stegmayer Caballero
Scriptwriter & Director: Clarisa Navas
Realisation and image: Clarisa Navas & Lucas Olivares
Executive producer: Eugenia Campos Guevara
Assistant director: Liz Haedo
Editing: Florencia Gomez García
Sound director: Mercedes Gaviria
Color: Inés Duacastella
Production companies: Gentil cine srl in coproduction with Tekoha audiovisual (PY), Invasión Cine (COL) y Autentika films (DEU)
Screening format: dcp 5.1

Awards and festivals

El príncipe de Nanawa – EN Read More »

¡Caigan las rosas blancas! – EN

White Roses fall! / Albertina Carri


Violeta is a young film director who once made an amateur lesbian porn film with a group of friends. Following the success of that project, she is now hired to direct a mainstream porn film. However, her ideas about gender systems—both cinematic and sexual—prevent her from completing the shoot, and she flees. From the southern city of Buenos Aires, she sets off with her actresses toward the warmth of São Paulo, encountering new narrative forms along the way. The group of travelers evolves with the changing landscapes and their shifting moods until the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by dense jungle, overwhelms all worldly extravagance. They are welcomed by a voluptuous, uncharted territory. Cinema becomes a relic of another time, and life itself the only discovery.

Technical Details

Duración: 122 min.
Year: 2024
Cast: Carolina Alamino, Rocío Zuviría, Maru Marcet, Mijal Katzowickz ,Luisa Gasava, Valeria Correa, Laura Paredes, Renata Carvalho
Director: Albertina Carri
Script writers: Carolina Alamino, Albertina Carri, Agustín Godoy
Producer: Eugenia Campos Guevara
DOP: Sol Lopatín y Wilssa Esser
Sound director: Mercedes Gaviria
Editing: Lautaro Colace
Costumes: Lorena Segovia y Lia Damasceno
Production design: Marina Raggio y Diogo Hayashi
Original music: Paloma Peñarrubia
Production companies: Gentil cine srl en coproducción con El borde srl (Arg), Cuarta Feira (BR) y Doxa producciones (ES)
Associate producers: Vitrine Filmes, Zona audiovisual, Mariana bomba y Arthaus.
Screening format: dcp 5.1
International sales: Splitscreen

Awards and festivals

¡Caigan las rosas blancas! – EN Read More »

El placer es mío – EN

The pleasure is mine / Sacha Amaral


Antonio, a 20-year-old young man, sells marijuana and builds connections with people he meets through apps, taking advantage of them to steal money. Living with his mother is problematic, and the growing urge to escape leads the young man to leave on a journey of no return to a southern destination.

Technical specifications

Runtime: 94 min.
Year: 2024
Cast: Max Suen, Sofía Palomino, Katja Alemann, Vladimir Duran, Julián Larquier Tellarini, José Vicente Orozco
Director and script:Sacha Amaral
Executive Producer:Agustín Gagliardi
Photo:Pedro Knoll
Color:Pedro Knoll
Post Producction: Inés Duacastell
Sound: Marcos Zoppi / Emiliano Biaiñ / ZUB
Direct sound: Carmen Lavintman
Asist direction:Manuel Besebdovsky
Art:Sol González
Edition: Florencia Gómez García, Mauricio Escobar Durán
Music: José Vicente Orozco
Production: Gentil Cine Srl en coproducción con Franck Thoraval, Protest Studio, Quadrophenia Films
Distribution: Patra Spanou

Awards and festivals

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Ciudad jardín – EN

Garden City / Javier Zoro


Exploring the relationship of his relatives, his city and himself with plants and gardens, the director of this essay traces a playful and personal journey from Viña del Mar to Buenos Aires.

Technical specifications

Runtime: 74 minutos
Direction: Javier Zoro
Script: Javier Zoro
Editing: Ignacio Masllorens
Executive production: Eugenia Campos Guevara y Macarena Aguiló
Co-produced by: El Espino Films (Chile), Gentil Cine (Argentina)

Ciudad jardín – EN Read More »

Hijas únicas – EN

The only children / Alba Gaviraghi


A student revolution breaks out in the streets and reggaeton is playing loudly in the disco. In the middle of the dance floor, Antonia (15), the only daughter of a single mother, dances to stop thinking. The school trip to Bariloche, Argentina is approaching and Antonia does not know if she will be able to go to this initiatory rite of adolescence. First, she must find a father she doesn’t know to sign a permission to leave the country. Mariana (45), her close and loving mother, for the first time refuses to help her and Antonia begins the search on her own and in secret. The relationship between the two weakens; the high school is taken, her mother loses her job and the atmosphere at home becomes unbearable; only the parties and her pokemon friends keep Antonia afloat. After several unsuccessful attempts to find him, and thanks to the help of a half-sister Tamara (17) with whom she interestedly resumes contact, Antonia manages to find her father. With him comes the signature she longed for and also something she did not expect from this journey: the certainty that she is only her mother’s daughter and that identity goes beyond a haircut.

Technical specifications

Runtime: 100 minutos
Direction: Alba Gaviraghi
Script: Alba Gaviraghi
Executive production: Alba Gaviraghi y Eugenia Campos Guevara
Co-produced by: Agosto Cine (Chile), Gentil Cine (Argentina)

Hijas únicas – EN Read More »

El principe de Nanawa – EN

The prince of Nanawa / Clarisa Navas


A footbridge divides Argentina from Paraguay. Both Guarani and Spanish languages float in the air. People run around trafficking all things imaginable. In the midst of this dizzying pace, I met Angel when he was nine years old. The first time I heard him speak I was so moved that I promised we would meet again. A year later, I came back and we started making a movie together. After nine years, the passage from childhood to adolescence unfolds in these images surrounded by questions, absences and a unique strength to live and to resist against everything.

Technical specifications

Runtime: 120 minutos
Direction: Clarisa Navas
Production and camera: Lucas Olivares y Clarisa Navas
Director´s assistans: Liz Haedo
Executive production: Eugenia Campos Guevara
Sound: Mercedes Gaviria Jaramillo
Co-production companies: Gentil Cine (Argentina) y Tekoha Audiovisual (Paraguay)

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Especies de compañía – EN

Animal Hospital / Juan Renau


In a world where communication between humans and animals remains a mystery, a fundamental question arises: do animals suffer? At the Teaching Hospital, people bring their pets for relief, while future veterinarians learn and practice how to relieve animal pain.

Technical specifications

Runtime: 26 min.
Year: 2018
Direction: Juan Renau
Director´s assistant: Agustín Godoy
Production companies: Gentil cine SRL y Topshot films
Producers: Eugenia Campos Guevara, Agustín Gagliardi, Robin Robles & Arthur Goisset
Director of photography: Juan Renau
Available projection format: DCP
Sound direction: Marcos Canosa, Nicolás Payueta
Editing: Santiago Esteves
Color: Inés Duacastella
VFX: Martín Larrea
Graphic Design: Leandro Ibarra

Awards and festivals

Especies de compañía – EN Read More »

Constanza – EN

Constanza / Melisa Liebenthal


Constanza, a housemaid of meticulous and almost obsessive gestures, works at Irene’s house, a 65 year old woman in a wheelchair. A snapshot of a meeting between two lonely people.

Technical specifications

Runtime: 26 min.
Year: 2018
Script and Direction: Melisa Liebenthal
Cast: Constanza Lucía Florentín e Irene Bosch
Production: Eugenia Campos Guevara
Director of photography: Juan Renau
Available projection format: DCP
Editing: Muriel Bucher, Melisa Liebenthal
Sound edition: Kevin Junger, Luc Aureille
Sound mixing: Felipe Solari Yrigoyen
Director assistance: Felipe Solari Yrigoyen
Banner and headline design: Leandro Ibarra
Co-produced by: Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains

Awards and festivals

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